Monday, August 17, 2020

How a Person With SAD Can Qualify for Social Assistance

How a Person With SAD Can Qualify for Social Assistance Social Anxiety Disorder Work and School Print Can Someone With SAD Qualify for Social Assistance? By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on June 27, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 19, 2020 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Zero Creatives / Getty Images In the United States, the Social Security disability insurance program is implemented by the Social Security Administration (SSA). This program pays benefits to individuals who meet the requirements for disability insurance. Anxiety disorders fall under the umbrella of disability. If you are coping with social anxiety disorder (SAD) and are unable to work, you may qualify for assistance. Criteria for Social Assistance   SSA  disability programs set forth criteria that must be met to qualify for assistance for an anxiety disorder in Section 12.06 of the Disability Evaluation Under Social Security document. Here is a list adapted from the SSA government website that shows the criteria someone with social anxiety disorder (SAD) would potentially have to meet to qualify for assistance. Do You Qualify for SSDI or SSI? A social anxiety disorder would need to meet the required level of severity for the condition, which typically involves both: Medical documentation of persistent and irrational fear of social and performance situations that results in a compelling desire to avoid those situations.Marked restriction in activities of daily living and marked difficulties in maintaining social functioning OR complete inability to function independently outside of the home. For someone with SAD, examples of activities of daily living that might be impaired include using public transportation, paying bills, making phone calls,  and attending appointments.   People with SAD may fear people, avoid relationships, and experience social isolation. In addition to the above requirements, a person with SADs ability to work, as well as whether problems related to the condition have lasted for at least 12 months, will be considered. How SSDI Eligibility is Determined What If You Dont Meet the Criteria? If you have severe impairment in functioning that does not meet the above criteria, you may still qualify for support. The SSA recognizes something called residual functional capacity (RFC)รข€"the work-related abilities that you have in spite of your social anxiety disorder. Evaluation of your RFC demonstrates how your ability to work is compromised by your anxiety even if the impairment is not severe enough to meet the criteria listed above. For example, if you have severe performance anxiety you might be unable to complete job duties as a teacher, even though daily social activities and daily functioning are manageable. Sources of Information Several information sources will be examined to evaluate your case, including: Medical historyMental status examinationPsychological testingHospitalization/treatment historyNurse/social worker statementsPersonal statementStatements from familyWork evaluationsPrevious work attempts A description of your anxiety is required, which will include the nature, frequency, and duration of any anxiety attacks, the triggers for those attacks, and how they affect your ability to function. How to Apply The claim process typically takes place through a local Social Security field office or State agency (called a disability determination service or DDS). You can apply in person, by telephone, by mail, or through an online application. You will need to provide a description of your impairment, contact information for your treatment provider, and other information. The SSDI Application Process Working While Receiving Benefits If you feel that your situation has changed and you would like to try working again, you will not lose your rights to benefits. In fact, you might have access to additional support. You may even be able to get help paying for work expenses and vocational training. Given the highly treatable nature of SAD, the offer can be a great incentive to return to the workforce if and when you feel ready. 5 Advantages of Qualifying for SSDI Benefits

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