Monday, March 30, 2020

According to current theories of evolution of organic world Essay Example

According to current theories of evolution of organic world Paper According to current theories of evolution of organic world, total diversity of biological species evolved from universal single-celled progenitor organism of extremely primitive constitution. These progenitors were heterotrophic and received nutrients from the primal ocean, enriched by simple organic compounds. Subsequent differentiation of these first organisms resulted in formation of eucariotic cells, autotrophic cells capable of photosynthesis and first multicellular colonies. As a result of intensive photosynthesis large amounts of free oxygen appeared in the atmosphere. Thus more effective aerobic ways of metabolism became possible. We will write a custom essay sample on According to current theories of evolution of organic world specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on According to current theories of evolution of organic world specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on According to current theories of evolution of organic world specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Having mastered photosynthesis and breathing, living organisms started to acclimate to the different zones and locations. These organisms were subjected to different sets of environmental factors. While adapting to these different conditions, organisms obtained different sets of adaptive features that were secured by the natural selection. The deeper was specialization of the group of organisms, the more unique set of features it developed. Thus the biological diversity had formed. 2. I am agree with the theory of evolution, because it explains in a logical and consistent way how the life had emerged and developed to its current diversity of species. Also theory of evolution explains the processes that are implemented widely by the human race since stone age to cultivate species of plants and animals in a fashion most fit to satisfy the needs and requirements of certain climatic zone. Application of principles of natural and artificial selection allows to predict approximately what effects will have influence of certain factors during production of new breed or species and how should directional selection be performed to cultivate breeds or sorts with desired qualities. Theory of evolution also makes sense of paleontologic discoveries and allows to analyze and predict relation between more or less distant groups of organisms based upon constitution of their predicted common progenitors. 3. Artificial selection and genetic engineering are widely applied in contemporary scientific research works, industrial processes and in production of agricultural goods. Logically arises question if these artificial, human-governed factors could influence natural processes of evolution. Artificial selection is, in fact, natural selection that is directed and controlled to obtain certain desired features in a breed of an existent species. Artificial selection can result in formation of new species only if applied continuously over very extended periods of time. Such activity may contribute certain scientific interest but hardly could be economically profitable and, hence, hardly can be expected to happen. Genetic engineering, though, is a tool that is potentially capable of much more swift and radical changes than natural or artificial selection could ever provide. So in theory it is possible to expect certain impact of products of genetic engineering upon natural evolution. That is why experiments based on genetic engineering should be designed carefully and well-thought before application. Works Cited: 1.  Ã‚   BCB705 Biodiversity: Chapter2 Evolution of Biodiversity. 3 Jun. 2008. The Department of Biodiversity Conservation Biology and The University of the Western Cape. 3 January 2009

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Stateless Nation Essay Example

Stateless Nation Essay Example Stateless Nation Paper Stateless Nation Paper The History and Geography of Gypsies Generations of homeless wanderers known as Aroma/ Romania, or gypsies, currently traverse the vast and varied landscapes of Europe, making up one of the large SST minority groups in that realm. This research paper uses the disciplines of physical, historical a ND cultural geography to explore the migration of Romania, as well as to explain the Cohoes on of gypsy society. Unfortunately, as history will show, the story of the gypsies is one of e exploitation and persecution, a tradition that endures even to the present day. Why did God even create us, if gypsies are to live like this? asked one male g yaps, Abaca, in response to the news that he and his family were having their prop retry destroyed. This story comes out of France, and it demonstrates the major conflict between Or ma and the rest of the European community: citizenship. Government constructs and bureaucrat ICC procedures which evolved to provide security to Europeans have caught one ethnic group in a p replete limbo, keeping them ever on the move after several hundred years. Without a state t o call their own, the Aroma erect encampments wherever opportunity exists. In the case of Abaca and his friends, opportunity existed in Generalities, France. French leaders have taken a staunch opposition to the insurgence of gypsy e encampments, both for their appalling sanitary conditions and for the rising rates of crime w which accompany them. Thus, you encounter men like Abaca, whose camp now lies in upheaval after the bulldozers cleared out the shopping carts and tents that had sustained his co immunity. Turning he page on the camp in Generalities, these gypsies now have three options: they can stay in France and continue to beg. The second option is to accept a gift of 300 euros from the French government in exchange for the voluntary return of the gypsies back to Aroma Nina. The powerful poverty in Romania often makes this offer hard to accept, besides the fact that t most gypsies are not even truly from Romania, and many will prefer to stay in France, begging, or they will choose the third option: to move onto another territory, a destiny which pres .NET a very familiar flavor in the mouths of these gypsies. Where they originate and why the gypsies have lived migratory lives for so mum chi of history was once shrouded deeply in mystery, due mostly to improper record keeping. Genetic testing and linguistic research eventually lead geographers to the conclusion t hat gypsies originated in the Punjab region of India, escaping into the Balkans in the 1200 sass to avoid religious persecution. The area inhabited by the Aroma of early India was under r constant attack by Sunnis and Shiite militants from Afghanistan, and eventually a small group of the affected Indians fled west into Europe. These Indians made up the Romania Diaspora w which exploded out of southeast Asian and middle eastern ancestry, entangling with European D AN during the flight of Romania away from Punjabi. The current makeup of Europe presents pocket s of gypsies all over the region, particularly in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and the Balkan states. Leaving India did not bring bluer skies as the gypsies might have hoped, and a pattern soon emerged whereby the Aroma were being pushed out of territory after term rotors, constantly setting up and tearing down. The churches, which had once offered gypsies a room sis of safety as they traveled freely between the European territories, came to distrust the carefree immigrants, especially as they were traveling in and out of Turkey, a home to many enemy sees of the Catholic church. King Ferdinand and his wife, Queen Isabella, began passing laws in Sp main during the 14005 which forbade the free travel of Romania people. According to an essay by Amy Motor, laws in Spain between 1499 and 1 783 passed back and forth bet en aggressive and encouraging, either attempting to expel the gypsies or facilitating their sashimi action. A wave of indignity legislation rippled through the whole continent of Europe, forcing R Oman to travel hundreds of miles in search of territory where they could live and express the messes freely. Things continued on like this for centuries, and during the second World War, gypsies constituted roughly 25% of Germanys holocaust victims. A common ensconce option is that gypsies are wanderers due to a cultural calling, but this practice Stems more a accurately from the fact that gypsies were not allowed to settle. The revulsion towards gypsies comes from deep cultural differences that are often difficult to reconcile. Forced into theft because of their widespread poverty an d lack of resources, gypsies have earned a reputation as thieves who one ought to avoid. This see d of distrust blossomed into a wealth of fables and myths which depicted gypsies as main cal heathens hell-bent on disrupting the fabric of society. Storytellers and magicians, Aroma were labeled liars and witches throughout their early travels, said to spread heresy and devils AK, pulling the rug of morality out from under the feet of otherwise good and wholesome people . It was rumored hat if parents did not keep steady watch over their children, then the children n might just find themselves the victims of a kidnapping by gypsies. Further, the Aroma were a v ere tightening group wherever they wandered, increasing speculation and suspicion relative to the mystery that they let surround them. Documents which convey racist sentiments towards t he darkening Romania have also been uncovered. Centuries of hatred have ultimately culminated in the Romania doing the same thing today that they were hundreds of years ago: wandering. Without any home to call t Eire own, the gypsies are one of the largest stateless nations in Europe. An article published by the Daily Mail in 2013 cites Manuel Balls, Frances Interior minister, demanding that gypsies return to either Romania or Bulgaria after their failure to integrate into French society, and tall KS of denying these two nations of interstate passage have circulated around the countrys political sphere. The inability of Romania to integrate is due largely to the fact that they are pro habited at every avenue from the opportunity to advance in society. Gypsy children are not allowed to tend public schools without any papers, and the parents Of these children a re likewise unalloyed to find jobs. Begging earns enough to buy food in most instances, but this profession carries no illusions of being especially lucrative. Moreover, the stigmas which surround Romania cause friction still between this thoughtfully group and the rest of their Europe mean neighbors, leading to the largesse evictions and deportation methods to who ICC many p Laotians resort. Too, the Romania represent any collaboratively group of people, having no w Ritter records since their departure from India. While many outspoken individuals within the European Union have condemned the deportations for targeting a specific ethnic group, the E Us only recourse exists in threats of sanctions against the nations that impose such policies on their gypsy populations. Unlike France, there are countries that have adopted policies meant to stabilize e the Romania. Graces government created a commission to research alternatives to deporting Aroma, investigating social programs that might foster the continued growth of the gay skies to be a stable and beneficial addition to Greek society. These programs focus attention on c hillier primarily, diving headfirst into the issue of providing them with the access to education necessary to their development. Members of gypsy society are beginning to find a media present CE as well, predominantly in the musical arts. As more and more people learn about the Aroma and their heritage, this demographic becomes a more identifiable and relatable group of individuals, and this reliability will eventually inspire the empathy that is long overdue the gay skies. Bibliography 1. Heathen, Evasive. Romania Culture in America. Cleveland, Ohio: Cleveland Cultural Center, 1985. This source looks at the blending of assimilated Reincarnations and drag conclusions from history about how certain cultural idiosyncrasies developed for the gypsies. . Herdsman, Vladimir. Romania Americans. Every culture, 2014. Web. October 2014. This one is an online source which provided many other good places to look f information. It also gives an overview of the conflicts which led to the Gypsies being pursued out of every place that they decided to call home. 4. Roomer, pericardia. Romania studies. The Gypsy Lore society, 2000. Web. Cot beer 2014. This is a source written by people who were born and raised in the current y Romania culture. It goes over the history of the Romania people, as well as providing vial able information on the state of affairs for gypsies today. 5. Government of Greece. I integrated programmer for the Social Inclusion Of Aroma : Greece. May, 2009. This source is a government document which looks at the issues faced by Or main people as they try to practice their culture across a Europe that is still largely cautious of the gypsies.